The Kaleidophone (sound of nice images ) is a program of musical intepretation of images.  

It is based on complex systems logic, on fractals, on software agents. It explores an image along dynamic paths, that depend on the colors found along the way.
At every pixel explored, 6 different instruments read 6 color components: red, green, blue, red+green, green+blue, red+blue.
The colors found are used to determine:
        the note to be played, its length, start and end of a pause, the new chord possibly adopted.
The instruments are determined according to color characteristics of the image, at the beginning of the performance, and are changed at each pause. Also the image is periodically changed.  
Any image can be read, but fractals express a more interesting music.

If you select the image Example you can download a short film that shows the program in action. You can see in the upper left of the window the image that is being explored (you can see the traces left by the instruments). On the right hand you see the pixels that are played, one after the other, projected onto a three-dimensional revolving space, the dimensions of which are Red, Green, Blue.
Each pixel is positioned according to its color numbers.

If you select one of the images, you can download and listen to its music.  Enjoy kaleidophonic music!                                                                                                                                                                              

If you select image
Example you can download a brief video that shows the running program. here you can see  the fractal image (upper left)  explored by the instruments, and on the right side traces of pixels being read and played,    placed in a turning space characterized by the dimensions Red, Blue and Green.  Each pixel is placed into this space on the base of its color components.
Se invece selezioni la copertina del mio libro puoi leggerne la prefazione.

canopy2        feather1       feather_pl2      vague1         varco1a             copertina                                                                   


 xComples3b    vortex1a         vortex2        wave2        vortice4              esempio